The impact of digital transformation in the areas of sales and marketing

O impacto da transformação digital nas áreas de vendas e marketing

Digital transformation is completely revolutionizing the business world and, contrary to what many people think, goes far beyond simply eliminating the paper in business. This is a technology-driven process that should fit within the company’s strategy. Digital transformation, when well applied, positively affects all areas of a business. The sales and marketing sectors are the two most likely to benefit from implementing a digitization strategy. In today’s article, we address the impact of digital transformation in these two areas!

More informed and demanding customer

Not long ago, the consumer depended almost exclusively on the knowledge of the seller who spoke to him. For example, in terms of travel, people used to trust one hundred percent in an agency, which defined the whole package of travel. Today, the consumer is much more informed and is able, in a practically autonomous way, to organize a trip. Digital transformation powers the dissemination of content on the web and when the customer searches for a company already has deep knowledge about the product or service they want to acquire. In this way, the sales area has to prepare very well for the interaction with the customers, in order to respond to all his requirements.

Best Customer Satisfaction Index

The technology allows customers to become closer to brands and establish a stronger loyalty relationship, despite the ever-increasing requirement we mentioned in the previous point. With the use of social networks, nowadays it is possible to mark presence in the daily life of potential clients through sharing and special offers. Companies are also adopting the sending of special offers by SMS and e-mail, which makes the customer feel unique. On the other hand, e-commerce also makes the customer more satisfied. Anytime, anywhere, we can easily purchase products, so adopting online stores is an essential strategy for anyone who wants to win in today’s competitive and digital world.

Customer-centric marketing strategy

Just as we do not like it when we talk to egocentric people who just talk about themselves, we don’t like brands that focus on the “me” either. In the age of digital transformation, content marketing and inbound marketing are concepts that need to be present in companies that want to have success. The marketing strategy should be to inform the Customer about your industry and not to constantly show the benefits of your products. If you talk only about yourself, the Customer will lose interest in following your brand.

Increased competitiveness

Digital transformation makes processes more fluid and managing all departments of the company becomes an easier and more intuitive task. The definition, implementation and improvement of business processes for a more practical and facilitative approach is the goal of adopting new technologies in business. With a more organized and fluid structure, the company will gain a competitive position against its direct competitors.


A Forrester research reveals that entrepreneurs at large companies expect 47% of total sales to be influenced by digital media in 2020 (and 2020 is already in a few months!). It’s time to transform your business! Are you ready for this great transformation?

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