5 areas where automation will be essential

5 áreas onde a automatização será imprescindível

Automation refers to the use of technology to benefit day-to-day operational controls and processes in a business. Technology can thus more effectively replace activities that were previously practiced by humans. Process automation increases productivity, reduces costs, increases performance and culminates in achieving competitive advantage for the business. In today’s article, we will see what are the 5 areas in which automation will be essential!


The e-commerce area has a high daily sales flow and needs to issue invoices and invoices on each sale. Doing this work manually requires a lot of effort and would take up a lot of human resources. This task can be automated through an intelligent system, optimizing the company’s productivity level.


Automating information management in the logistics industry is to ensure that there is a large organization at all levels. Through real-time monitoring systems such as Multipeers, the company can know every moment what happens along the logistics chain, and can make immediate decisions that benefit the business. Employee routines become simpler as they are able to perform analysis faster and do not need to search for information from multiple data sources. The right partnership between man and machine allows for greater performance in everyday life. It also eliminates costs with excess labor, as it is easy to optimize the work of employees. Automation in the logistics industry has this advantage because tasks that previously required human intervention can now be performed automatically and much faster.

Financial area

Automation includes order and invoice processing, accounts payable and accounts receivable management, account reconciliation, money orders, reports, consolidation of account information and many other tasks, which can be managed by RPA, such as transactions between various departments and divisions that need to be registered and updated and consolidated in the ERP. The automation of tasks in this area greatly reduces the likelihood of making mistakes, which brings positive results to the company’s accounts.

Marketing Area

Marketing is critical for a business to grow. By automating tasks, marketing campaigns can be repeated without manual effort, which enables analysis-based strategies to be adjusted while RPA will help measure the effectiveness of new strategies. Marketing is increasingly important in companies, so it is expected that the investment of automation in marketing will be increasing.

Workflow Management

This sector encompasses workflow management and other human resource management processes such as shift assignment, payroll management and employee leave management, which can be performed more productively by RPA. These tasks are usually quite bureaucratic and monotonous, which can lead to employee demotivation. Using RPA will make these tasks easier.

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