IT management: what are the most common internal threats and how to eliminate them?

Gestão de TI: quais as ameaças internas mais comuns e como eliminá-las?

The IT management area faces daily challenges. Dealing with external threats is one of the biggest concerns of IT managers. However, it is not only abroad that the threats are encountered. Even within the organization there are real and fairly serious threats that can compromise the security of a company. In today’s article, we cover the most common internal threats and leave some tips for you to eliminate them!

Too many internal privileges

System administrators with full access to company data and servers pose a threat. In fact, all employees of a company pose a security threat because they have access to private data and, by changing positions, can put the entire organizational structure at risk. It is advisable that each employee has access only to the data that he or she really needs to work. In this way, information security becomes stronger and it will be easier to identify the source of a possible attack.

Internal neglect

Humans make mistakes and there is no way to avoid it. A very common example is to forget to check the log reports of suspicious patterns. The only way to combat human neglect is to automate as many tasks as possible. The adoption of RPA by companies can dramatically reduce the likelihood of error and, in addition, frees employees for other value-added tasks, increasing their motivation.

Uncontrolled third-party access

Providing third parties with access to data is a very committed mistake. Companies are in the habit of giving insider information to business partners and are not careful to encrypt or mask the data because they trust that it will be a lasting relationship. However, what often happens is the business relationship ends and then they do not remember to remove the hits. It is advisable to provide partners with data that is strictly necessary for them to work together, and as soon as the business relationship is over, to remove all access to private data.

Do not back up the data

It seems like a very basic advice, but unfortunately many companies have not yet implemented a serious backup policy. We live in an increasingly connected world and with more and more virtual threats. Therefore, it is essential that you be prepared for any situation that could put the security of your information at risk. These days, putting a security password in your most important files is no longer enough. Making backups of data frequently is a critical step in ensuring that you will not lose sensitive data of the utmost importance. In addition, it is advisable to use a disaster recovery system such as RAAS. Disaster recovery should be regarded as a must have in companies as it is the guarantee that the most important information of the company is safeguarded and that the company will continue to function properly even when computer problems happen.

Fail to keep pace with rapid technological change

Today, technology is evolving at breakneck speeds, making companies constantly face the challenge of being up to date constantly. Nowadays, real-time analysis is already a reality in many companies. If it was enough years ago to know what was happening in the company a few days after the events, today this reality is completely changed. Analyzing business information in real time is the first step (and we can risk saying that it is the most important) to be able to decide consciously and effectively. Many companies still make the mistake of basing their reporting on a few days. Systems like Multipeers are becoming more and more indispensable in today’s business world.


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1 thought on “IT management: what are the most common internal threats and how to eliminate them?

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