(Português) O impacto da cibersegurança nas empresas

O impacto da cibersegurança nas empresas

Cybersecurity is an increasingly recurring theme in companies, as the complexity of the corporate environment is conducive to the emergence of failures and external attacks. Security in the virtual space is a priority for businesses to be able to block digital threats. The greater the dependency on the virtual environment, the more important it is to keep the information well protected. We will see in today’s article what is the impact of cybersecurity on companies.

Ensuring that information is protected

There are more and more computer attacks and, if we add to this the high probability of human failures, we realize that losing valuable information is a very likely scenario! The attacks can be of various types such as attempted fraud, attacks on web servers and the spread of malicious code.

Thus, cybersecurity occupies a strategic place in companies, as only through appropriate practices will they be able to keep their information confidential.

But how to apply cybersecurity in companies?

Use hybrid cloud

The hybrid cloud arises from the need for companies to interconnect public and private cloud. With this new way of operating, it is possible for example for an organization to process its most sensitive data on its own server (private cloud), while less sensitive information can be hosted on public servers. On the other hand, the public cloud allows you to gain elasticity and speed, by easily accommodating temporary increases in capacity in extension to your private cloud. In today’s world, it is essential that companies ensure maximum elasticity, availability and security in their solutions.

Take backup very seriously

The backup doesn’t solve the problem of the computer attack, but it does guarantee that it is easier to recover after the company suffers one. Backup copies should be made daily and it is advisable to store them on an external server, preferably on the Cloud, due to the lower costs and the enhanced security that this form of storage offers. It is also advisable to use a disaster recovery service, a very complete solution that, in addition to copying the data, also guarantees its efficient restoration in the event of natural disasters or infrastructure failures. This type of solutions has the great objective of eliminating (or at least minimizing on a large scale) a company’s downtime due to failures. RAAS is a disaster recovery service fully managed by a specialized team and gives you the possibility to recover a virtual server in seconds.

Using data masking tools

Tools like Datapeers help you to ensure the privacy of your data. Technological evolution has transformed the value of data, which are nowadays the most important assets of any organization, as it is through data that managers analyze consumer behavior and make important decisions for the future of companies. Through sophisticated data masking techniques, Datapeers ensures privacy and protection of information in all environments.


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