The power of the Cloud with Covid-19

Since last March, many companies have had to think of alternatives for carrying out the tasks of employees from home. Teleworking forced a new type of family management so that productivity was not affected.

The forced stop that the quarantine forced us, has led companies and people to accelerate the adoption of digital tools, such as video conferencing applications such as zoom or teams, and in many cases to train their employees for this new reality. As there was a need for employees to use their desktop computers, many of them encountered problems in terms of data storage on employees’ personal computers. Bearing in mind that solutions such as hard drives are increasingly expensive, companies will have to choose to provide tools that are not a big investment, especially without growth prospects. At this stage when companies are on the verge of confining again and sending their workers back home, the adoption of a Cloud hosting strategy will be the most appropriate.

MyPrivateCloud provides companies with a level of digitalization that allows them to evolve and face future challenges. With this service you can host all documents, share files and increase the level of cooperation and collaboration (it is possible to have several collaborators working simultaneously on the same file), as they guarantee information security, immediate availability as long as you have access to the internet on any device, and save on equipment investment when it comes to storage capacity. In addition to being practical and of immediate access, the investment is relatively low. At any time you can buy more space, or reduce it according to your needs. Sometimes we can’t even identify that we are using the Cloud. Emails, photo hosting or documents are stored in the cloud without realizing it.

So if you have a company, consider using this technology.

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