Myths of digital transformation: preconceived ideas you need to eliminate already

Mitos da transformação digital: ideias pré-concebidas que precisa de eliminar já

No doubt that your organization is currently facing challenges related to the reality of a digital world. Digital transformation is causing disruption in all industry sectors and is relevant to every business area. It is the present of companies and is also their past, given that in one way or another, for several years concepts and tools related to the digital world have been applied in our organizations. Cloud computing, Big Data, Data Analytics, Internet of Things, mobility, among other concepts, are no longer new. Nonetheless, today, in order for a company to remain competitive and remain relevant in the market, a holistic approach is needed that includes not only interactions with customers but also addresses the internal challenges of organizations and their structure , with all these concepts integrated into a business digitization strategy, since only when worked together do they have true value for organizations. There are a lot of misconceptions about digital transformation and in today’s article we present the main myths associated with this new reality so that you can now eliminate preconceived ideas that do not make sense!

Myth 1: Digital Transformation Will Steal Jobs

We live the 4th industrial revolution and very soon the digital interactions will be unlimited. This new era will impact society and create the need for new skills and jobs. Data scientists will be one of the most sought-after professions in the future as the key to differentiation will lie in the potential extracted from company data. In this way, digital transformation does not come to steal jobs, but to improve those that already exist, since human resources will be more available to perform value added tasks. Process automation is a crucial aspect of digital transformation because it makes all areas of the business interconnected, reducing the likelihood of human error, freeing employees for more important tasks, freeing them from repetitive and monotonous jobs, boosting efficiency corporate governance.

Myth 2: Digital Transformation Will Only Affect IT area

The modernization of how technology is applied in the enterprise is a responsibility of all sectors and not just of the IT sector, as is often wrongly thought. This process of transformation must begin at the top of the organization, which defines the strategy to be adopted by top managers. It is necessary that the example comes from the superior management so that later the changes apply in the other areas. All areas are affected by digital transformation, as sales, marketing, production and many other activities are “victims” of the change that this transformation brings. The IT department is important in this process as it should support all areas, but in fact the digital transformation will affect all the functions of the company.

Myth 3: Small Businesses don’t need to Worry About Digital Transformation

Transforming business, processes, approach and relationships so that they evolve is imperative to the success of businesses, regardless of their size. Therefore, small businesses are not left out of this new paradigm. Digital transformation, when is well implemented, can help small businesses grow significantly as it improves processes and reduces costs. This cost savings can then be applied to investments that make the company evolve faster.

Myth 4: All companies will succeed if they become digitally

When a concept is very fashionable, one easily falls into the mistake of thinking that since it is so fashionable it is suitable for everyone. However, digital transformation is a complex process that goes far beyond simply updating software. This new way of working is not a standard recipe that can be followed by all companies and therefore it is fundamental to evaluate the impacts that this transformation will have for the business, evaluating risks and expenses. The “recipe” of success for company A will not necessarily be the recipe for success of company “B”. Care must be taken not to copy what our “neighbors” do, but to create a recipe for digital transformation appropriate to our reality.

Myth 5: digital transformation is a process that ends after its implementation

Implementation is just the beginning of a journey for the advantages of the digital world. Digital transformation must be seen as a continuous process, since it is necessary to constantly evaluate the reality of the company and the business scenarios that exist at all times. Only in this way can you find the right tools to improve business processes. Evolution is constant and companies need to adapt to win in the market in which they operate.

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